Problems faced by the youth today

Adolescence is the time when a child is developing from childhood to adulthood. It is usually between 13 to 18 years of age which also is referred to as teenager. Therefore adolescents are the people experiencing. Adolescence faced with the following:-

They are always getting involved in premarital sex.

Because of premarital sex unplanned pregnancy.

These who are not ready for pregnancy end up aborting which is usually dangerous.

Those who produce end up abandoning the children; some are thrown in Pit latrines, dustbin.

Those who try to bring up children later leave team to join the streets (street children.)

Often times there are a behavioural mat adjustment resulting in drug addictions.

Smoking marijuana, cigarettes is seen as part of a sign of pride.

Alcoholism is another join they find themselves part and parcel to show they are adults.

Often times there are rebellions in schools are common.

Sex misuse through lesbianism by girls and homosexuality by girls.

Academically they are influenced in choices of subjects / courses and this affects career abilities.

Government and church concerns.

Educating masses through AIDS awareness.

Educating masses on how to reduce risks of acquisition of AIDS.

Projects being set up to assist victims

b) What advice do you give to adolescence?

Adolescents should have an aim in life i.e. a target I goal to achieve.

They should have self respect and respect for others.

They should avoid intimate relationship with the opposite choice since it has side effects.

They should be disciplined and loyal to parents.

Dress decently to avoid tempting the opposite sex.

Should for guidance and counselling.

Must have belief in God and make uses the word to control their lives.

Should get involved in church activities such as choirs.

Moodiest youth should help counsel peers, who use their own experiences.

The US President visited Uganda and discussed the issues concerning the AIDS scourge. Why is Uganda praised for the AIDS Control

AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is a killer disease transmitted through sexual intercourse by the infected person.

In the AIDS control programmes there are a number of strategies that have been in place to combat the scourge as noted below: -

There has been a call for people to make use of the ABC strategy.

Abstinence is one of the ABC strategies where the youth or those unmarried are advised to avoid sexual intercourse till they marry if they wish to.

Being faithful to married couples is called for in order to keep themselves safe.

The use of condoms for those who cannot do without sex before or after marriage is highly encouraged.

Political and opinion leaders are openly advocating for the campaign against AIDS.

Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) like TASO, COS have played a leading role in capturing international concern and support for Uganda's AIDS control programme.


There is country wide programme of counselling HIV/AIDS patients to enable them like positively.

Drugs for expectant mothers who have HIV have been introduced to prevent the spread of the virus to un born babies.

Assistance has been given to AIDS orphans e.g. the Watoto programme by Watoto church.

The churches also encourage HIV testing for those intending to marry before they are wedded.

Safe sex is being advocated by youth clubs such as 'youth Alive, SYFA, Straight talk.

The mass media has openly campaigned against the HIV transmission and guidelines of living positively if infected or how to avoid it. E.g. TV, Radio, Newspapers, Straight talk radio and TV shows or talks e.g. on capital Fm.

Sex education in schools is being promoted and encouraged.

The public is often sensitised about the ways in which H IV I AI DS is spread and how to prevent oneself.


Constant research has released data about the decline of AIDS infection in Uganda and possibilities of treatment e.g. Dr. Ssali by use of Mariandina.

Blood Banks are very strict on screening donated blood in order to avoid untested blood from being transmitted to patients.

Government has set aside funds to assist in AIDS control programmes such as importation of condoms.

The first research (serious) on HIV/AIDS in the whole of Africa was opened up in

Uganda centred in Mengo (Butikiro House).

There is free periodic check ups for AIDS for those who cannot afford to pay.

Disposable syringes are used for all injections given to patients.

The Uganda AIDS Commission was put up to ensure proper sensitisation of the masses and to monitor the effectiveness of National AIDS programmes in the control.

There are Teenagers counselling centres e.g. the Teenage crisis pregnancy where they are helped.

There is law enforcement regarding rapists, defilers who maliciously do so to spread the virus.

Cultures that promote the spread such as 'Imbalu' of Bagisu are encouraged to use safe methods and immorality which go with the culture or inheritance are discouraged. Each candidate should have his own knife.

Promiscuity or sex tourism is highly discouraged.