Factors Affecting Sexual Behaviour,

Marriage and Family

4. Permissiveness

This is an increasing type of society where one is allowed to do what one likes regardless of its effects individually or society but the desire for physical pleasure especially sexual experience and drug use.

It is rebellion against established authority and this could be for reasons of justice and enthausm for ones right or selfish ambitions.


Decline in religious convictions, where religion and morality are associated with Jewish and Christian tradition and that religion is a private affair.

Separation of religion out of education leading to uncertainty about purposes of life worsened by confrontations between science and religion and other harmful philosophies through the media and way of history is presented.

Loosening family ties due to movement, work opportunities and migration.

Wealth; materialistic mentality leading to social inequalities and greater discontentedness.

Influence of mass media; tolerance of pornography stimulating the sexual impulse / instinct.

Breakdown of order in traditional society i.e. the church and state have lost nerve of their belief leading to loss of confidence. As people live in towns there are no sanctions controlling behaviour and young people seek new groupings of own age as they isolate older people.

Dissatisfaction with restraints required for an ordered society worsened by generation gap. Power and respect seem to belong to young and not the old.

Therefore manifestation of permissive society are:-

Sexual intercourse before and outside marriage

Pornography, in literature, films and media.

Misuse of drug, including alcohol.

Violence and disrespect for the forces of law and order.

Rebellions against parental and other authority, student protests.

Questioning traditional order and rejections of accepted values.

Indecent dressing, vulgar language.

Various forms of leisure e.g. blue movies, dances.

Irresponsible attitudes leading to corruption and embezzlement.


While polygamy in African tradition was important because of childlessness, extra sex urge of men etc; it has side effects. While it is tolerated in Old Testament it leads to fall (Lameck, Solomon) and also affects marriage relationship.

It also causes sexual unsatisfaction for the wife, brings in divided love and care but worst of all makes women inferior and this affects marriage relationship.


This is permanent resolution of a marriage relationship. Though it was allowed in Old Testament later in Mal: 2: 16 God hates it and in New Testament possible due to unchastity.

In the Roman Catholic Church it is not allowed except by papal dispensation with sufficient reasons.

In the Orthodox Church it can be allowed under the concept of 'moral death' i.e. if marriage has practically stopped due to bad relationship; adultery life procuring abortion without husband's consent and desertion of life by husband (Vis - a vis). Protestants differ; basing on Mtt. 5:32 , 19: 9 adultery can cause it. for Anglicans there is no remarriage during life time of partner though doing it elsewhere can be admitted to Holy communion by the Bishop, in case of marriage with non believer (1 Cor 7: 15).

Sex intercourse creates a bond between the two persons which is natural as intended by God as a sign of permanent union and for no other purpose but above all divorce leads to instability of families and individuals involved and therefore causes adultery.

Some people feel that they should be free to do whatever they want in their relationship with the opposite sex:

a) What justifications do they have for this attitude?

The above statement is correct in today's situation and this is caused by permissiveness of society due to the following:-

Peer group influence

There is a feeling of 'use it or loose it' curiosity about sex. Some boys want to test for fertility.

Some feel practice makes perfect.

The influence of romantic novels and other literature.

Advertisements such as 'so smooth, so strong, feels good' so they want to prove. Films like blue movies encourage the youth and all those who watch them to have a feeling to practice what they have seen.

There is loss of hope for life and feel should not die alone.

Decline of traditional values because pre- marital sex was a taboo and unacceptable.

Decline of religious convictions where one has no interest in being guided by religious principles.

Lack of guidance and counselling.

Human and moral weakness/ irresponsibility.

Psychological/mental disorder / hormone imbalance.

Economic hardships in order to survive.

Long seclusion coupled with long period in education. The environment and type of people one associates with.

b) Why do committed Christians not accept this attitude?

Christianity strongly condemns sexual promiscuity; it is a deviation from God's original intention for sex.

God made male and female (Gen 1 :26f) giving no room for sexual deviations. Sex is only acceptable in marriage life (1 Cor 7:2).

In the Ten Commandments adultery is condemned.

Sodom and Gomorrah were punished for rape and homosexuality (Gen 19).

Any child born out of marriage relationship (through deviated sex relationship) cannot be a heir e.g. Ishmael (Gen 12:17).

Prostitution and adultery are condemned since they are against the will of God.

St. Paul stresses that 'our bodies are temples of God' (1 Cor 6:15- 17).

Paul advises to excommunicate the man who committed incest (1 Cor 5).

Though Jesus forgave the adulterous women he told her not to sin anymore.

Many sexual offences were punished by stoning.

"Richmen always seduce secondary school girls to fall in love with them these days" Analyse the effects of such relationship

The first effect will be fornication since there is no way she can dodge having sex with the man.

Secondly, if she is a virgin she looses it. She may end up getting pregnant.

There is vulnerability of STDs including AIDS. There is a possibility of dropping out of school.

Since she is a student she will drop is her academic work and therefore loss of career. It she tries to abort she may also die in the process.

She can be expelled from school due to the pregnancy.

If she succeeds in abortion and it is not done well she may never produce again. Parents can disown her.

She may become a seasonal wife for the man.

She can be forced into marriage and end up with worse problems. After producing the man can drop her as he searches for new ones. The man's wife may harm her; through witchcraft, pouring acid etc. Can lead to psychological problems which can later lead to suicide.

The man can be arrested and charged for defilement; sometimes it can be life imprisonment.

There will estranged relationship between the two families.

b) As a Christian how would you help the man and the girls?

The girl: - concentrate on her studies and wait for the right time for such relationships.

Abstain from any sexual contact with such a man.

Teach her all the negative effects that would / could arise from the relationship. Should be contented with what parents/ relatives provide for education.

Such relationship has short time joy but long time destruction for her future.

Preach to her to have an encounter with Christ. Offer guidance and counselling into Christian living.

Avoid such relationship and struggle to get a career for her future.

Must learn to have self control and wait for the right times to have along lasting relationship.

The rich man

He should be sympathetic and take the girl as his own daughter.

Preach to him to be contented with his wife or wives.

If he can't get satisfied with the one he has or has none should look for mature available ladies for proper relationship.

He should realise that the marriage bed should not be defiled. Therefore he should be faithful to his wife.

If he feels like helping the girl he should do it without aims of winning her for sex.

He should learn not to use his money for destroying other people's daughters.

Advise him that his interest in young girls is unlawful and it will end him in bigger problems which money cannot buy.

Some boys say that " a girl's "no" means "yes"; her "yes" means 'perhaps' and her ‘perhaps' means ‘no' and to a great extent her resistance to sex is a pretence to test the boy's seriousness." Comment on the above statement.

The above statement is correct according to African tradition but wrong from the christen point of view.

Even today some girls have similar characteristics.

This is because girls were brought up not to be quick at making decisions; some would be dangerous.

They also needed time to consult from others especially elders and age mates.

By saying 'no' they wanted to avoid being considered cheap or easy going.

This meant that only serious boys would follow-up for the second or third time to get the right answer e.g. among the Udhuk when a boy suggested to girls; she would pretend to be surprised, other girls chase him away but at night prepares a bed near the wall and through an opening the boy touches her and she reveals.

By saying yes it was meant not to discourage the boy; some were ashamed of giving a direct 'no.'

It was also to give possibility that if he is serious he could succeed.

Even if she did not like the boy she said 'no' but kept on dodging till the boy discovers by himself.

Her saying 'perhaps' brought uncertainty for one to judge by oneself but in any case it was a humble 'no.'

It was conditional and had less chances of success.

Her resistance to sex was not to expose herself as a crook or easy going.

It needed a serious boy to insist.

It was also meant to judge the strength of the boy e.g. in Karamoja only a strong boy who succeeded in raping the girls was wrath marrying.

However, some girls stood by their word or action and it is true to today for instance she would say 'no' because the boy was ugly, a wizard or bad mannered.

A girl says yes and means it in actions e.g. she fries ground nuts and other gifts given.

Some resisted in having sex to keep their virginity and would even fight if the boy tries to force her.

Some resisted to have sex to avoid pregnancy e.g. in Karamoja, Ankole, Congo destructive punishments were given such as spearing to death, thrown into cliff etc.

If the boy forced his way to rape a girl and it was reported it would a serious case and could lead to punishments.

Generally it is an abuse of the female species to think they cannot make independent decision.

b) In reference to the present situation as a student of divinity explain the dangers one can face under this belief.

By saying 'no' one would loose a suitable partner since boys have less patience compared to those in African traditions.

By saying no to everyone it can lead to forced marriages by parents.

By saying yes to everyone is considered easy going and many would flock to her causing conflicts.

It is a sign of irresponsibility in making independent decisions.

By saying no to everyone it can lead to forced marriages.

Saying yes to everyone brings conflicts which can later cause witchcraft and death. It could also lead to imprisonment / capital offence if a boy forced his way to have sex.

Accepting everyone leads to confusion in choice making for a marriage partner and may later be neglected by all.

There are high chances of contracting STDS and this lead to unfaithfulness.

The girl may drop out of school.

The girl may end up becoming a prostitute in order to satisfy all.

The attitude is wrong girls should learn to stand by their word; a 'No' should be a 'no' and 'yes' be 'yes.'

Boys should also respect girls stand if they show no interest them so they should not force then way.


To what extent has the AIDS scourge changed the life style of the people of Uganda

AIDS is Acquired immune deficiency syndrome while life style refers to attitudes, beliefs, habits or behaviours of people.

To a large extent AI DS has changed the life style of many Ugandans either positively or negatively.


Permanence / fidelity of partners committed to one another (faithfulness).

Boys and girls are more cautions of their relationship or more selective.

Widow inheritance has been abandoned in many societies.

There is a great reduction in polygamy.

People are more superstitions about ones size, body changes.

There is fear of sharing medical equipments and other things such as syringes, needles.

Those infected begin planning for their children.

People have become more hygienic by boiling instruments / equipments.

Attitudes of medical personal to patients has changed i.e. nurse them with caution and carefulness.

There is screening before marriage.

There has been a lot of education on AIDS.

Economic style of selling condoms, needles or using them.

Abstaining has been taken up by many people.

Many affected / infected people have run to salvation so as not to loose even the soul and during the process some have had miraculous healing.

Traditional habit of circumcision is being avoided by going to hospital.


It has increased immoral behaviour in order to spread the disease through malice not to die alone.

Increase in perversion of sexual practices e.g. old men going in for very young girls vis- avis.

Nurses using unsterilised syringes/ needles to infect others.

Increased witchcraft due to disbelief; where some people turn to witchdoctors in hope of treatment claiming they are bewitched.

Discrimination of AIDS victims by family members or even at places of work.

Physically, they are weak and feel have no hope (frustrated) and have no love for anybody.

Some sell off whatever they have to eat since they are about to die.

However, there are some traditionalists who have not changed their lifestyle where one knife is used to circumcise many boys.

Some medicine men still have unprotected sex with their partners or even use some razor blade to make cuts on their patients as a form of treatment.

There are still some men, who still want to inherit other people's wives or are still interested in polygamy.

However, today in addition there is:

Increased human sceptism e.g. bewitching looking at beautiful women and ignoring them as already infected.

People believe in predestination; whatever you do you will die; some say 'they are not being seasoned for timber and that AIDS is like any death cause.'

Constant research has released data about the decline of AIDS infection in Uganda and possibilities of treatment e.g. Dr. Ssali by use of Mariandina.

Blood banks are very strict on screening donated blood in order to avoid untested blood from being transmitted to patients.

Government has set aside funds to assist in AIDS control programmes such as importation of condoms.

The first research (serious) on HIV/AIDS in the whole of Africa was opened up in Uganda centred in Mengo (Iutikko House).

There is free periodic check ups for AIDS for those who cannot afford to pay.

Disposable syringes are used for all injections given to patients.

The Uganda AIDS commission was put up to ensure proper sensitisation of the masses and t monitor the effectiveness of national AIDS programs in the control.

There are teenagers counselling centres e.g. the teenage crisis pregnancy where they are helped.

There is law enforcement regarding rapists, defines who maliciously do so to spread the virus.

Cultures that can promote the spread such as 'Imbalu' of Bagisu are encouraged to use safe methods and immoralities which go with the culture or inheritance are discouraged. Each candidate should have own knife.


Promiscuity or sex tourism is highly discouraged.

In the AIDS control programmes there are a number of strategies that have been in place to combat the scourge as noted below:-

There is countrywide programme of counselling HIV/AIDS patients to enable them like positively.

Drugs for expectant mothers who have HIV have been introduced to prevent the spread of the virus to unborn babies.

Assistance has been given to AIDS orphans e.g. the 'Watoto' programme by Kampala Pentecostal church.

The churches also encourage HIV testing for those intending to marry before they are wedded.

Safe sex is being advocated by youth clubs such as 'youth alive' SYFA, Straight talk.

The mass media has openly campaigned against the HIV transmission and giving guidelines of living positively if infected or how to avoid it e.g. TV, radio, news papers, straight talk radio shows I talk e.g. Capital FM.

Sex education in schools is being promoted and encouraged.

The public is often sensitised about the ways in which HIV/AIDS is spread and how to prevent oneself.

They often have temper outbursts; usually can quarrel, fight ETC.

Because of lack of temper control there is aggressiveness.

Some of them are shy; boys can easily be depressed and girls can have hysteria.

There is a desire for expensive dresses, hairstyles with exaggerated attention.

High desire for leisure activities

"You are advised to use a condom or femidom for safer sex" One AIDS worker said to the youth. As a Christian comment on this advise.

As a Christian the advice is wrong.

The use of condom or femidom (Female condom) promotes sexual immorality.

Condom use undermines God's original intention of sex. Sex is supposed to be natural but condoms make it artificial

Our bodies are bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit therefore should not be contaminated by condoms and sex misuse.

Sex is meant for married people for the fulfilment of mutual love.

 There is no love, companionship, equality in condom use.

Condoms and femidon create sense of false security.

Some people find them socially unacceptable and anyone seen with them is regarded loose / immoral.

The advice contradicts God's command of Gen. 1 :28. Be fruitful multiply and fill the earth.

The youth are expected to abstain from sex until marriage so there is no need to use condoms.

Condoms and femidoms are not 100% effective in preventing AIDs; if they are dry they can break or can have tears and be dangerous.

They encouraged sex before marriage which is sin before God (fornication) and extra marital (adultery).

There is poor disposal of condoms hence becoming an environmental hazard.

Some young children may pick them and use them as balloons and blow them; this is a health hazard.

b) What should be the Christian response to the aids disease?

A Christian should be morally upright to avoid contracting AIDS which is fatal and incurable.

Give the masses spiritual guidance on the right use of sex.

Sensitise masses on dangers of AIDS e.g. that it is fatal and incurable.

Give the masses spiritual guidance on the rights use of sex.

Sensitise masses on dangers of AIDS e.g. that it is fatal and incurable.

Sensitise masses the different ways the disease is spread and find ways of prevention.

AIDS can be avoided by abstaining from sex before marriage.

Treat AIDS patients with compassion.

Counselling and guidance of AIDS patients be emphasised.

Married Christians to remain faithful to partners.

 Patients / victims should accept suffering as part of life see Job's suffering and that of Jesus.

The patients should remain trusting and having hope in God.

There is need for the church to pray for the victim i.e. stand with them.

Encourage those with the disease to live positively with it.

Avoid cultural practices e.g. widow inheritance, and circumscission of many people using same knife.

Christians to preach against the spread of AIDS and warn those with it to be kind enough.

Pray for God to provide a cure ie. guide the medical researchers to discover a solution to the scourge .

There is need to fight stigmatisation.

Victims should go for check up and continue taking the free treatment if available.

Repent if one got it through adultery

Encourage people to make research about AIDS to obtain I discover a cure.

 The church has always stood against the liberalisation of condoms as a way of fighting against the scourge. As a Christian, comment on this refusal.

The above statement is true and still stands as declared by different denominations.

This is because condoms being liberalised could be abused or misused.

This would instead promote sexual immorality through premarital and extra marital sex.

The church therefore does not want to commit itself to the promotion of immorality in society.

As a church, they feel condoms are a family planning method meant for only married people.

By liberalising condoms unmarried people will make use of them and even them not all married people may need them.

The church wants people to live by faith in Christ and not by condoms.

The condom is a mere rubber sheath which is not total guarantee for prevention of AIDS and other STDS (not 100% perfect).

By liberalising condoms the church would be creating a bad image of itself on a shepherd of the flock.

Some people would go on rampage assured of protection by the condom and instead risk all danger of ineffectiveness of condoms.

Liberalising condoms gives encouragement to sex deviants like prostitutes, adultery etc.

However, by liberalising condoms it would help sensitise the public about the AIDS scourge.

Though it is against Christian principles the church should re-examine the effect caused by AIDS and government policy.

There are people who fail to get partners and yet their passions are too powerful for self control.

AIDS can be avoided by abstaining from sex before marriage.

Treat AIDS with compassion.

Counselling and guidance of AIDS patients be emphasised.

Married Christians to remain faithful to partners.

Patients should accept suffering as part of life see Job's suffering and that of Jesus.

The patients should remain trusting and having hop in God.

There is need for the Church to pray for the victims i.e. stand with them.

Encourage those with the disease to live positively with it.

Avoid cultural practices like widow inheritance and circumcision of more that one person using the same blade.

Christians to preach against the spread of AIDS and worn those with it to be kind enough.

Pray to God to provide a cure i.e, guide the Medical researchers to discover a solution to the scourge.

There is need to fight stigmatisation.

Victims should go for check up and continue taking the free treatment if available.

Repent if one got it from adultery.

Encourage people to make research about AIDS to obtain I discover a cure.

b) What reasons can the State give for liberalisation of condoms?

 To warn people to choose between life and death.

Check on alarming rate at which HIV/AIDS is spreading.

To enable people already affected by HIV to live longer.

Government wants to be as open as possible to the people in order to reveal to them all the necessary information about HIV/AIDS.

Government wants to protect the people particularly young generation who are leaders of tomorrow and more active.

It is an indirect way of scaring off people from involving themselves in sexual promising.

To educate people about sex as the most common avenue for contracting the AIDS virus.

Through NGOs like TASO liberalisation of condoms has been encouraged to sensitise people to live passively.

For family planning purposes.

To sensitise people about the dangers of other STDS .

To make people come to their senses to love carefully and faithfully .

To enable people have protected sex .

To sensitise people about the AIDS Scourge.

What are the social, economic implications of the AIDS scourge in Uganda

Socially: AIDS causes:

Feeling of being rejected.

Psychological stress as a result of thinking about death (no hope of life).

Dislocated and disintegration of families of the victims.

When parents die children are left in a terrible state; lacking parental care, guidance especially the young.

many go through I into the world of superstition and witchcraft. Y

Many give up life and relationship so some even commit suicide.

There is a feeling of revenge; not to die alone one goes on infecting others.

The scourge has made the country I nation seek assistance from foreign donors e.g. TASO, AIC for counselling services and social relief including the Global fund.

There is high rate of street children leading a wandering life.


It is very expensive to nurse, maintain the victim; drugs like kemron, expensive for an ordinary person.

AIDS victims often times are not productive at work and leaves family in financial stress.

Government incurs high costs of importing drug for patients in government hospitals.

It affects planning and development projects already started.

All children leave school if property is sold to look after the patient.

AIDS slows down morale to work, ability to study, due to loss of hope, some even start selling property.

NGOs like TASO, AIDS control programmes, AIDS information centres all need some money.

Education of masses requires money.

Projects to assist AIDS victims needed light in times of darkness; sex serves our needs.