Topic 7: Money and wealth

Money is the main means of exchange in the modern world. The former exchange (barter) of kinds of goods was cumbersome.        Isabella dos Santos, daughter of the Angolan President Eduardo dos Santos, grins when asked in an interview with reporter Tanya Beckett about rumours that she is Africa's wealthiest woman, during the BBC World "Africa Business Report" programme, Nov. 28, 2015. The president's daughter gave a polite but evasive reply to the question.  In power since 1979 when President Agostinho Neto died and as Vice President took over, Dos Santos is said to have amassed a large fortune from the diamond- and oil-rich Angola. (PHOTO: Timothy Kalyegira/Kampala Express; screenshot of BBC World television)                                 

Money is generally any thing accepted as means of paying debts, medium of exchange of goods, and transaction in business of one kind of good with another.       


Money is a symbol of material wealth and its value is determined by  its:-     


  • Intrinsic or real face value.
  • Purchasing power i.e. quality of goods and services it can buy.
  • For money to be considered money, it must be generally accepted i.e. people must have the confidence in the currency that it will buy what they need.
  • Must have controlled supply by the state,
  • Durability
  • Homogeneity (similar).
  • Stability; not much variation in purchasing power.
  • Divisibility.
  • It should be flexible to take account of seasonal productive and available good.
  • Wealth, on the other hand may be in form of any form of material possession such as land, houses, means of production (tools, factories, equipments and instruments), personal items or inform of services others perform for us in exchange for money.
  • Wealth is a total accumulation of material goods in the hands of individuals, family, group, and nation and may not necessarily money.

Wealth in the Old Testament  

Material wealth was often looked at a sign of God's blessing or favour i.e. wealth is God's gift. The earth and its resources put at man's disposal (Gen 1:28, 9: 1-3). It is also observed that:

  • God enriches those he loves (Gen 13,226:12, 30:43).
  • God's people were promised material blessings if they observe the covenant (Lev 263:3-13, Dt 6:3, 7:12) .
  • The prophets describe the prosperity of messianic age in terms of material well- being (Amos 9: 13-15, Hos 14:7).
  • The wisdom literature describes God as source of material well-being (Prov. 10:32, Ps 23:1, 34:10).

Secondly, wealth is therefore seen as a good thing. Wealth of men who pleased God is mentioned e.g. job was rewarded after several trials (Job 42:10 -17). King Hezekiah had great possessions from God (2Chr 32:27-29).

Wealth gives man independence so that he does not beg and be a slave to exploiters (Ecclesiastes 13:21).                                      

Wealth is obtained by good qualities i.e. hard working (Prov 10:4, 20:31), wisdom and Knowledge (prov. 24:3-4), not wasting time (Prov 12:11), spending time in drinking and pleasure seeking (Prov 21: 17) .

It is good to have wealth and not to be poor so that one can steal and not so rich to forget God (Prov. 30:8-9).

Thirdly, wealth in part of fullness of life, together with long life and good wealth is not the supreme, good wisdom is more important (1 king 3: 11, Job 28: 12 19, Prov 3: 13 so is peace of mind (Prov 15:16) righteousness (Prov 11: 28) and health (Ecclesiastes 13:21). Wealth cannot buy everything e.g. cannot buy love (song 8:7). It is not permanent; it brings extra burden of responsibility. We cannot die with it. It can lead one to be greedy and creates false sense of independence from God.

There are duties related to wealth e.g. paying tithe 1/10 as in Num 18:21- 32, Dt 12:17; Almsgiving to the poor as a sign of righteousness (Job 35: 16) and Kindness to the poor

A serious theological problem in the Old Testament is why the wicked prosper and grow rich while the good suffer and are poor. (Jer 12, Mal. 3:15, Ecc 17:15) the feeling was that they thought there was no life after death where compensation and restoration could occur since riches are lost at death.

Poverty in the Old Testament

The attitude with Old Testament is a very complexity idea.

Poverty is thought as an evil and riches as a reward for faithfulness to God.

On the other hand, care for the poor is commanded in the law, writings and prophets.

In Old Testament the concept of 'a nawin' (Hebrew word for poor,) is often used as Godly poor who are friends of God.

In proverbs, poverty can be result of laziness, idleness and disorderly but good and honest men are also sometimes poor (Prov 13:14,18; 6:6-14).

Ezek 22: 12 -26 teaches that the poor shall be protected.

The poor man's privacy must be respected (Ot 24: 10).

Prophets condemned oppression of the poor (Amos 2:6, 7: Isa 1:17, Mic 3:1-3) .

The book of proverbs also stresses the rights of the poor (Prov 14:21, 17: 5) and God is persecuted as the defender of the poor.

The poor and oppressed are those who trust in God (Jer 20: 13, Zeph 2:3).

The various attitudes found in Old Testament about riches and poverty can be compared to the African tradition e.g. Laziness, curse etc.

The cry of the poor reaches God's ears.

God watches over the poor and the needy e.g. Job.

The poor were to be gives alms (Job 1:2).

When harvesting, the remaining grain in the garden must be left to the poor (Ezek 34).

The needy should do hones work to earn their living (Prov 13: 11). The poor should be listened to (2:13).                          

The needy were encouraged to pray (1sam 2).

Taking care of the needy and poor was a pre-requisite for God's answer to their prayer (isa 58).

The poor should be contented and not covet other people's property.                            

Debts of the poor should be cancelled because of poverty if they fail to pay by the seventh year (Deut 15).

The wealth must not keep the poor man's coat overnight.

Whoever lends/gives to the poor lends God (Amos).                             Wealth in the New Testament:

In the New Testament, while wealth is seen as a blessing there is more emphasis on the poor as being friends of God or who do God's will. 

Jesus was born in a poor family, not even in a ruling class but a carpenter's home.

During his presentation into the Temple, they used two doves expected of the poor as being friends of God or who God's will.  

During his ministry, he moved from place to place without regular home (Luke 9:58) "no where to lay his head."

He was also buried in another man's grave/tomb (Mt 27:60).

This does not however, portray that Jesus belonged to a destitute class but voluntarily as part of disciples had a treasurer (Judas Eschariot). 

He paid taxes to the Roman and Jewish temple tax.

Though Jesus had much against the rich and in favour of the poor especially in Luke's gospel, his attitude was different from that of Old Testament writers.

His concern is that wealth makes man forget God.

The Christian attitude is against not worrying or being anxious about their poverty but to trust in God for provision.

Jesus does not condemn wealth; he associates with the wealth as well as the poor e.g. Mk 1:20. 

James and John were fishermen of above average in wealth, Zechariahs (Luke 19:12) was rescued from acquisition of wealth through dishonest ways and Nicodemus was another rich member of community.

 Mt 19:16-22 shows that one can denounce wealth for the kingdom of God's sake in order to be rewarded with far valuable wealth (spiritual).

Jesus praises the generosity of the widow (Lk 21:1-4).

In cleansing the temple, Jesus denounces use of religious place to make money, selling at higher prices, animals that could be sacrificed.

A number of parables are on wealth, the pearl, the rich men and Lazarus, the pounds (Luke 19:22-27), talents, faithful steward and that we hold possession on behalf of God.

During his presentation into the temple they used two doves expected of the poor (Luke 2:24).                                                

The story about the sheep and goats separation at judgement expresses how we care for others.

Christians in the early church shared their property / resources (Act 4: 34 - 37) voluntarily. Anamias and Sayphira were condemned for cheating or dishonest to God and the church.

Churches helped one another in times of famine; money was collected for the poor in Paul's time (Gal 2: 1 0).

It was a custom of Jews that all boys were taught trade even if they become teachers (rabbi).

Paul supported himself through the trade of tents.

People were expected to support themselves by working. 2Thes 3:10 condemns social parasites.

But Jesus and Paul's teaching had conviction that spiritual riches were better than material.

God's mercy, patience, kindness, forbearance are called riches (Rom 2:4, Eph 1:7). The ethical demand of the gospel that Christians should share their possessions;

Compares Jesus shares riches with disciple (2Cor 8:9, 1 Cor 1:5). Christians therefore share in God's riches through prayer (Rom 1012) 2Cor 6: 1 0 refers to riches and poverty.

One of the sins condemned is covetousness (1Tim 3: 3, 8; Tit 1 :7) leading to greed .

Riches lead to pride and snobbery (1Tom 6:10, James 2:1-7, 1:10-11) and judgment

Will face on the rich exploiters (Jm 5: 1-6, 1 Pet.5; 3) warn against greed.

The poor will inherit the kingdom of God according to the beatitude(MT5)                                                                                                                     

James emphasizes that God gave riches in faith to the poor.

The poor/needy should give offering e.g. the widow who gave all she had.

The Christian and Wealth in the world today

The attitude Christians posses these demands such as how she/he gets money or Possession in honest means. It should also be on how he uses the wealth. One has to choose whether money is a master or servant to him.

To what extent should be a question to be answered?                                    It is important to realize that wealth is God given. We are all children of God; called to his banquets as redeemed by Christ through his death and resurrection which should transform life after ones baptism and shared through the Eucharist which show how we share in God's blessings.

The following are therefore obligation or ways a Christian uses his wealth

For basic needs of life such as food, clothing and other essentials of life.

Paying school fees and other expenses for education of children.

Used for medical expenses.

Savings for improvements for the home or acquiring desirable goods which cannot be bought immediately for emergency, or use in old age; this can be something which cannot loose value quickly e.g. land, houses.

Insurance against disasters such as theft, injury, fire, burglary, death.

Hire purchase payments by use of loans to be paid by regular, payments by use of loans to be paid by regular payments e.g. houses. This also fights against inflation. It can also be by part payment but not at expense of day to day.

Holidays where people visit beaches, game parks and different nations.

Discharge of responsibility towards relatives especially the elderly who have no other means of support.

Husband and wife personal expenses, children pocket money.

Set up project that are money making.

Pay taxes.

Voluntary contributions in response to calls for help to maintain / improve on quality of life.

Contribute to community needs/ support of the church; the structure, ministers and pastors need adequate support .

Care for the needy.

Help orphans, widows, destitute.

The Christian should accept duty to help the poor who want to raise standards.

Put up institutions, services, vehicles, which can assist people to improve their standards of living.

Finance education requirements of those who are not privileged.

Summary teaching of bible on wealthy vs. the poor

  • There are problems and dangers associated with wealth as noted below
  • The rich young man (Mt 10: 17 -31) shows that attachment to wealth is an obstacle to entry into the Kingdom of God.
  • The rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) shows that indifference to the poor brings us under condemnation of God; see the account of last judgment (Mt 25:31-46).
  • The right use of money (Luke 16: 10-15). The social responsibility of having it must be respected; it must not be our master.
  • The love for money is condemned (1Tim6:7-10, 17-19).
  • Wealth is only temporal good (belongs to this life).
  • A moderate sufficiency is enough.
  • It is an uncertain possession.
  • Class distinction is wrong and there is need for generosity and sharing (Jam 2: 1-8)

Oppression of the poor is condemned as noted below:                                                                  

  • The oracle against Israel (Amos 2:6-7).
  • The oracle against women of Samaria (Amos 4: 1-3).
  • Unfair taxes and refusal of justice (Amos 5:11-12).
  • An oracle against luxury (Amos 6:4-7).
  • An oracle against swindling and exploitation (Amos 8:4-8)

Warning against greed and covetousness is given in the following:                     

The foolish young man (rich) in Luke 12:1322.

Jesus' response to a request to the interview in a dispute about inheritance included warning against greed and taught that we should trust in God to provide what we need.

Warning to the rich (Jam 5:1-6) i.e. about the impermanency of worldly riches is stressed. Depriving labourers of their wages; their cries go to heaven for vengeance and luxurious living and indifference to the needs of others condemned. All the above comes over and over.

Ways of acquiring wealth

Wages and salaries which require profession trainings and hard work.

Interest on investment through busyness transactions.

Loans and hire purchases; where one gets money in advance or item in advance and pays slowly.

Cliffs from friends, good performance.

Buying tickles in a lottery.

Sell of other property such as crops (cash I food); animals, land.

Setting up money making projects.

Fundraising by the rich to the poor.

Making use of ones talents e.g. games + sports; such as Inzikuru, Aki Bua, Maradona. However, there are other bad ways of getting riches such as a placing bets on games, dishonest ways e.g. bribery and outright stealing which are condemned.

Importance of wealth

  • To obtain material goods to satisfy the needs for food, clothing, shelter and comfort.
  • Obtain pleasures; satisfying appetites; related to need to self preservation and continuation of species.
  • Obtaining power; related to the need for recognition, self realization and fulfillment but this can lead to domination of others economically, socially, culturally, politically without desire to serve.
  • Buy new import goods such as cloth, soap, paraffin and later more sophisticated.
  • Pay school fees.
  • Contribute to support of church.
  • Pay taxes for the smooth running of government.
  • Setting up farms, projects, companies for production for goods.
  • Industrial development.
  • Medical treatment.
  • Pay insurance.
  • Contribute to community needs.
  • Put up institutions for education or medical centres to help in treatment of diseases .
  • For savings
  • Leisure activities which includes holidays, entertainment etc.

 However, wealth divides people between the rich and the poor .

  • Leads to injustice of present international economic order.
  • The social order has been affected; where bride wealth has been commercialized.
  • It has made people to more from place search for employment. Made some people to be personal servants to the rich.
  • Has led to bribery, embezzlement and other forms of corruption search for employment.
  • Made some people to be personal servants to the rich.
  • Has led to bribery, embezzlement and other forms of corruption.

The view that money is the source of all evils

As Christian money is not the source of all evil because money is good due to the following:

If legitimately acquired; wealth is acceptable e.g. through salary or gifts (Prov. 10:4, 20: 13).

If money is used to help the poor/needy.

Money is God's gift as in Gen 7:28 and Ecl 11: 14.                                        

Money is used to meet basic needs.

Good use of money pleases God (Job 42: 1 0-17).

It gives people economic independence so that they do not beg or steal (Prov. 30:7).                                                                  

It is a sign of handwork (Prov 10:4).

It improves the social welfare of the people.

It shows that the person property utilizes his time.

The property of the messianic age is described in terms of material wellbeing of the people (Amos 9:13 -15, Hosea 14:7).

God enriches those he loves and promises material well-being I blessings (Gen 13: 2, 26:12 Lev. 26:3-13) .

Jesus associated with people who had money I wealth as well as the poor.               

Jesus advocated for payment of taxes.

Money is precious e.g. parable of lost coin.

Money facilitates good health and long life (Luke 3: 11, Job 28: 12)

The Bible encourages acquisition of money to avoid stealing (Prov. 30; 8).                                                                                                                       

Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.                                                                                                                      

It can be used for investment for future use.

Money can be used to spread the Gospel i.e. buying Christian literature. One can use it for paying tithe or church alms.

Can be used to establish economic generating projects.

For voluntary contributions towards fundraising in the process building of churches, schools, hospitals like the missionary did.

For insurance in old age.

To cater for educational needs. For basic needs of life.                                                                                                                                                                           

How Money can be the source of evil

Makes the rich to be indifferent to the needs of society the poor is condemned.                                          

Use of wealth for self glory.

Using money to acquire power, social status is an irresponsible action (1 Tim 6: 1 0).      

Christianity condemns prodigality i.e. extravagancy, greed (Luke 15: 11-13).

Desire for money has led to murder; bribery, robbery etc.

Search for money has led to sexual immorality.

Rich nations use money to enslave poor nations.

Money can lead to evasion of God (Ps 52:7)

Money is used to develop weapons of mass destruction.

It leads to bad leisure activities such as blue movies, gambling which also leads to fights, destruction of properly.

Money leads to lies and deception.

Love for money has led to many people to sacrifice children, parents.

Love for money has led people to poison fish for big catches, destruction of environment, and depopulation of game parks through poaching.

Looking for money using dubious ways / means like witchcraft, going under water e.g. Rogers Mugisha testimony.

Using money to buy prostitutes.

Employees underpaying employees.

Parents demanding excessive bride wealth for their daughters.

President Robert Mugabe (2015) has been in power since independence of 1980

Many political leaders unwilling to surrender power e.g. President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Yoweri Museveni among others.

President Yoweri Museveni explaining about staying longer in power since 1986. He was being interviewed by Aljazera TV. He explained about Uganda's democratic governance and peoples' power to change leadership.

People sell expired or fake goods.

Making count feet money (bicupuli).

Forgery of documents.

Failure to pay title and even working on Sundays.                                                             

Can cheapen one's dignity.

Other causes of evil in society other than money

Drug abuse makes one a nuisance or dangerto society.

Drug abuse makes one a nuisance or danger to society.

It calls for desire to revenge in case one has been cheated.

Drunkardness which makes one fail in one's responsibility.

Permissiveness of society (I don't care attitude.)

Witchcraft which injures one's life and can cause retaliation.

Politics which leads to killing of opponents.

Peer pressure; in order one to belong one has to do what others do.

Jealousy, envy, hatred can lead to evil.

Idleness; an idle mind is the devils workshop.

Question for discussion:

With illustrations discus how money can either be servant or master to the people.

Money is a servant if used properly or got from honest ways; (outline them.) Secondly money can be a master if it leads us to sin or got in wrong ways; (outline them.)

How would you use the bible teaching to help people who spend all their time looking for money?                                    

Wealth is God's gift and gives it to those he loves so it is not necessary to spend all time looking for wealth.                                                                                                              

How one can utilize money to make it a good servant          

Have a positive attitude of sharing with the disadvantaged.   Like the poor widow who offered two coins she had to the temple Christians are advised to offer generously.                                                            

Wealth should be used for building the heavenly kingdom.                      



Pay church tithe/pledge, offerings.                            

Voluntary contributions e.g. fundraising.                                   

Pay insurance.                                                                               

Cater for basics of life.                                                             

Make investments.                                                                        

Pay school fees.                                                                               

Set up projects.  Read more on "the Christian and wealth in the world" for more examples).                                                                                                                   

 "Working for money has changed the attitude of people towards one another" comment.                                                                       

The money economy has to a greater extent changed people's attitudes to one another positively as noted below:-                                                                            

Parents are able to use the money by payment of fees; basic needs of education can be facilitated.

 Many NGOs have mobilized funds to assist in the development of rural areas e.g. world vision, plan international etc.

 Many rich people have decided to invest in the spread of the gospel.

One of the elements of church growth is to be self financing i.e. the richer the church the more it can exercise service to the believers as compared to begging from them.

 In wedding meetings people often contribute funds generously to assist friends/ relatives to get properly married.

Money is always collected to support the church including its workers.

Money has been use in publication of the good news e.g. Bibles, tracts to convert many.

Fundraisings are held in order to get funds to support the needy, help build infrastructure e.g. Harambe in Kenya.

With money one can be able one's family by offering basic needs bringing in happiness and peace/ satisfaction.

 By use of money one is able to join or participate in entertainment where people meet each other and are exposed to realities of life.

 Some people have put their money together to form associations, savings and credit schemes and to start other projects.

Individual NGOs have sacrificed their money to support AIDS patients.

 Some rich people have sponsored the sick e.g. heart, kidney to go abroad for necessary operation or treatment.

Complicated diseases like cancer have been treated by-use of money.                                                                                                                     

Refugees all over the world are being supported with funds from donor countries.                                                                                             

Some rich people sponsor students in their education.                              

However, working for money has changed the attitude of people towards one another negatively as follows:-                                                  

Money has greatly distorted people's relationships through work through promoting some and demoting others.

There is exploitation of workers today because employers want to maximize profits.                                                                                                 

There is a lot of individualism and selfishness in work; each person on his own in the struggle for survival.

Strikes have taken place in various work places bringing in hatred and some being discontinued, property destroyed and sometimes death.

People hate each because of money; the rich may hate poor people who come for help.

Society has been divided into the rich and the poor because of the struggle for money.        

Corruption and bribery are on the increase because of need for money.                                                                                                      

Embezzlement has led some to be imprisoned or fired from jobs.

Murder cases are on the increase especially by robbers due to money.

Enmity between people has widened the gap between the rich and the poor.                                                                                                                

Business men distort weighing scales in order to cheat and maximize profits.                                                                       

Money has led people to boasting and pride due to amassing wealth.

Some busy men dodge paying taxes to make more money.

Some also involve themselves in dirty deals like 'selling air;' non existed commodities.                                                                                

Through prostitution, money denies one love and selection of partners; the interest is money.

What the parable of talents (Mt 25:14 - 30) teaches about money and wealth.

Money entrusted to us should be invested in order to realize profits.

We should be wise when investing wealthy capital however little to make more profits.                                                                                                        

Those who invest wisely and profitably will be rewarded at the end of time.

The foolish investors will be punished.

There is a call to trust worthiness in ones dealings with ones bosses.                                                                                                               

Work should be done thoroughly and satisfactorily.

God will demand for accountability of how we used our talents entrusted to us.        

We should be reliable and fruitful in our work.

Those who invest wisely will always live happily as they enjoy fruits of their work.                                                                                                       

God gives talents to individuals according to ones level of competency.

When blamed, we should always admit our mistakes.

Those who do not invest will have even the little taken away from them.                                                                                                                

Impact of foreign aid to underdeveloped countries

Foreign Aid is the financial and technical assistance offered mainly by developed countries to developing ones in form of loans and grants.

It may be a form of assistance from somebody/ country.                              

It may take a form of helping, releasing assistance or subsidizing.

Foreign therefore in Aid across boarders of nations.

It has both positive and negative impact as noted below:-


Foreign aid assists these countries drugs, personnel and equipment.

Funds from the World Bank and other financial institutions have helped in the improvement of infrastructure such as roads, hospitals.

The USAID has assisted in construction of schools adding new structures e.g. Tororo girls school, Gayaza etc.

Whenever national elections are held a big part of money to finance them comes from donor countries even support individual politicians.

Various mission schools were constructed from funds by Mill Hill Fathers (missionaries in London, Verona fathers (Italy) brothers of Christian instruction (Canada).

Periodic programmes like national census are funded by donor countries.

Extraction of mineral resources like cobalt from Kasese and oil from Lake Albert is funded by donors.

Capital projects like Bujagali Hydro electric power plant are funded by donor countries. Expatriates have been sent in the various sectors and projects for some time to be paid by donors.

Special projects to be undertaken by government but financed by donors e.g. education development, medical projects, the valley dam e.g. in Karamoja.

Training programmes have been set up through which scholarships are offered to developing countries

Donor countries have helped to curb the scourge of AIDS.

Funds have been acquired in the modernization of agriculture.

Mission schools, hospitals and other institutions are still assisted by donor countries.

Church organisations, projects in developing countries are sponsored by donor countries.

Church organisations, projects in developing countries are sponsored by donor Countries.

It solves the balance of payments problem.

Increases the number of workers and quality of life improved.

Improvement of quality of products.

Emergency AID helps to eliminate the problem caused by catastrophe e.g. EI-nino, earthquake.

Eliminates death rates of and in form drugs.

Promotes peace and stability.


Foreign AID has strings attached by donor countries which dictate how the aid should be used.

In the 1970's Amin became an enemy to the Israelites because he refused to give it to them for development.

It enhances neo-colonialism.

 At time donors dictate terms e.g. in construction of an industry; the place, structure.                                                                               

 Developed countries find themselves in a fix being asked to offer political support to donor country e.g. the war in Iraq. Uganda claimed to be in support of USA.                                                                                          

Most AID is set with high interest rates, thereby raising a big debt burden.

Sometimes donor countries give reconditioned vehicles on condition that spare parts are bought from them.

It kills initiative of the indigenous people to exploit their own resources.

At times expired drugs and food staffs after are discovered after examination by National bureau of standards.

At times donor funds have been embezzled or diverted e.g. valley dam, money from the global fund on AIDS.

Low developed countries have low capacity of absorption to fully utilize due to limited infrastructure.

 AID flows in untaxed leading to loss of revenue for the country.

In the process of repatriating profits, balance of payments problem may occur.                                                                                     

 Donors may wish to invest in quick yielding projects.

AID may kill off infant industries.

It promotes demonstrates effect if the donor country wants to release itself off excessive labour.

How foreign aid contradict Christian teaching

Exporting condoms; some of which are faulty or increase on immorality.

AID is given with strings attached.

 Exportation I Importation of pornographic Literature and other materials.                                                                                                                         

 The rates of taxation leads to big burgeon (debt).

Exports indecent dressing

 When they send manpower it causes unemployment in the country.                                                                                                                

 Family planning devices; come of which are unnatural.

Exploitation of national resources to their own countries.                             

 Aid brings about dependency and underdeveloped.

 Military Aid with dangerous weapons such as explosives.

As a Christian suggest solutions to over dependence on foreign aid                                                                                                                       

 Foreign Aid should be controlled by recipient country.

They should refuse the unfair exploitative conditions set by donor countries.                                                                                                  

 There is need to stick to own sovereignty and independence.

 Tendencies to neo- colonialism must be blocked.

Both the donor and recipient countries should respect each other.

Donor countries should only assist in training the indigenous people in technical skills.                                                                                                             

 The ultimate aim of foreign aid should be the guest for equality in the world family of nations.

 Aid should be intended to promote the political, social and economic status.

The project set up should take the stipulated time after which donors should withdraw.                                                                               

Factors determining a just wage in Uganda

A just wage is one which allows man to maintain himself and in family in a fair and adequate manner which is accepted as fair.

Factors include:

The quality of work performed.                                                                                     

 The value of work in society.

Preparation and training (qualification).                                                  

 Employers' ability to pay.

The number of hours worked.                                                               

Efficiencies involved in performing the task.                                          

 Experience on the job                                                                                                                        

Demand and supply of qualified personal.

 The places of work e.g. urban areas require more money to hire houses pay for water and electricity than rural.

 The strength of trade unions.

The status of the individual i.e. bread earner (Married or unmarried).                                                                                                             

 Inflation and economic conditions in the country.

The standard of living in the country (Cost of living). 

Unpleasantness of the job e.g. sanitation.

 The bargaining power of contract.

The profit margin of the company.

 Influence of international financial institutions e.g. World Bank, IMF Political stability.


Guidelines the bible gives on a just wage

 Wages should be given in time (Lev 9:13).

 Wages should be fair (Luke 10:7).

 Workers must be given their up keep (Mat. 10: 1 0).

Employees should not be exploited by employers due to their poverty (Dt 24: 15).

Employers who denies workers of wage are condemned (Jer22:13).

 Love should be the rule for justice and fair relationships.

The Bible encourages social justice (Am 5:11).

 Wages of a hired man must be paid (Lev 25:50-52).

 The parable of the vine workers in Mt. 20:1-16 should be used

How inflation affected the Ugandan society

Inflation is an economic situation in which prices of commodities increase in the money supply. In other words there is too much money in circ la ion chasing too few good which leads to rise in price level continuously.

Because of inflation civil servants cannot live on their salaries adequately due to the nature of the economy and this force them to find alternative ways of making ends meet.                                                               

 This has therefore aided the growing amount of corruption which rings high even at international level.                                                                                       

In offices there is bribery to get jobs, services such as even typing official letter for appointment and signing it.                                

 They have constantly embezzled government! Public funds a d in areas where job security is questionable one makes use of money for author's disposal.                                                                                            

Many people have also involved in forgery by making official documents, stamps and impersonation.                                                                    

 In the same way many have been involved in dirty deals like selling air e.g. plots commodities that are non- existent or which do not belong to a seller.       

Big officials, in the same others have involved themselves in acts of fraud such as 'bicupuli' forged currencies e.g. hay Nasser Ssebagala who was even imprisoned in Boston, USA.

Many also abscond from duty by joining businesses to make ends meet or sometimes one does more than one job.

In schools teachers can part time even in 3 or 4 other schools especially around Kampala making failure for them to be effective.

The medical officers can also attend more time to their own private business than the

Official places of work.

 Drugs in hospitals disappear to personal clinics and drug shops of health workers.                                                                                                     

 Civil servants who tend to work many times report late and leave earlier.

In spite of absenteeism some appear for pay and worst of all there have cases of ghost workers e.g. in the army are being probed for making heavy losses for government.

 Inflation has also led to collaboration with rebels since money is involved.                                                                                                                            

 It has led to prostitution.

Some Ugandans have left the country for greener pastures.  

Teachers have resorted to coaching.

 Policemen collaborate with robbers and the traffic gets bribes from dangerous drivers and those with cars in terrible conditions popularly known as DMCs.

 Some work even on Sundays to make money and avoid praying.

Under great stress or mistreatment some have resorted to strikes and demonstrations.    

 Doctors allow abortion in order to make money.

Drunkenness due to frustration is common; low morale leading to poor performance.                                                                                            

Hoarding of services and goods.

Use of substandard goods by producers commonly known as 'duplicate' goods. It's rare to get original products and if one gets it is expensive.

Steps the Ugandan government taken to control inflation since 1986

It has rehabilitated industries, estates like those of tea, sugar canes to boost agricultural production.

Has tried to eliminate trade malpractices such as hoarding, smuggling, through Anti Smuggling Unit.

It has tried to reduce its expenditure on social services such as medication and education.

Has discouraged exportation of commodities that are lacking in the country.                                                        

Rehabilitation of roads such as Tirinyi road, and construction of other roads like the Kapchwora road used for the transportation of goods.

Has invited investors to enable increase of production in the country.

Has enabled people to seek favorable loans to finance development projects and maintenance of the country.

Has controlled activities of Trade Unions to minimize frequent upward adjustment of wages.

It has tried to create and maintain political stability in form of peace in the country.

In 1987 it carried out currency reforms replacing the one had lost value.

Government has encouraged lotteries like Premier lottery, JADDA, Scratch for Cash which have helped to reduce money in circulation as much of it is taken back to government for taxation.

Has laid down strategies of taxation in most areas including salaries to reduce money from circulation.

It has adopted import substitution in order to reduce on imported inflation.                                                                                                         

Solicited aid to boost development of productive sectors.

President Yoweri Museveni meeting the Kenyan delegation led by President Uhuru Kenya. Such regional meeting play an important role in regional security and economic growth.

It often times to fix prices of essential commodities such as fuel.

Has encouraged dumping of items (manufactured goods) like old vehicles in Uganda because as many people buy them money is reduced for them.

How a Christian civil servant should behave in order to cope with difficult economic conditions

Christian civil servants should preserve their integrity and reservoir.                                                        

Christians should organize projects as side incomes.

Should gear loans and use it to uplift standards and carefully utilize them.                                                                              

 Should seek guidance from God through prayer for intervention of God.

Join credit schemes.

He should be honest and avoid evils like bribery.

Christians are asked to work for the kingdom of God and so work in order to serve him and the society.

He should have additional side income like Paul who was a tent maker.                                                                                                                                     

 A worker should be paid according to the work done.

Work is a normal human activity so nit much emphasis should be put on money.                                                                                                            

 They are encouraged to go for further studies which will uplift their scales.

He should politely talk to the employer to have salaries increased.

He should join trade unions for bargaining power which is collective.

Learn to use salaries responsibly.

Join cooperative societies, associations for common goal.                                  

 They should try to save and invest

"To save, invest and pay insurance is to behave as if God does not care" comment on this statement from a Christian point of view.

By saving, investing and paying insurance are same of the ways one uses to ensure the future survival is guarded, and this is helpful in case of any disaster, old age and loss of employment.

Though it has good aims the fact is time that one is behaving as if god does not care due to the following it manes one to be greedy to acquire wealth for maternal goods, and accumulation of goods is excess or real need.

As one accumulates wealth one may get involved in dishonest ways/means.

Wealth, if plenty, brings insecurity as it causes restlessness; this is why insurance is taken. 

Accumulation of wealth makes one seek for more; endlessly yet there are higher things such as health, moral gifts, peace of mind and spiritual welfare.

Matt 4:4 expresses that man shall not live on bread alone but on the word of god i.e. desire to for god's intervention.

The parable of the rich fool and Lazarus teach us how temporal wealth can be{Luke 12:1}

We are there fore called upon to seek for spiritual/gifts more than the material.                                                                                                       

Because material wealth is not worth exchanging for our citizenship in the kingdom of God; a higher form of existence.

Related to the above is the parable of the faithful steward which expresses that we are not the absolute owners of our possession.

Whatever we have therefore we are just stewards and shall stewards and shall be accountable to the owner; God.

Jesus also condemns the needy merchants.

Fellowships also require detachments from riches; sell whatever you have in order to follow Christ.

Amos 5; 11-12 condemns unjust business.

However, obtaining wealth through saving and investment, through honest means is good as (prov 10; 4) expresses that wealth is basically good.

If wealth serves man who uses it righteously it should not be objected just as helping the poor for social welfare projects

In OT, Job's wealth (Job, 42; 10) pleases God and so the same who are honest.                                                          

Wealth should be seen as God's gift (Gen, 1; 28, Prov, 1; 22) which God gives to those he loves. (Lev, 26,5-13).

Wealth can be used to pay taxes.

Wealth aids independence so that one does not become a slave to creditors or be forced to steal or beg (Eccl, 13; 21).

Jesus related wealth with both the poor and the rich.                                 

 He was buried in a rich man's grave by a rich man.                                                     

 Therefore richness is part of fullness of life.

Faire to save, invest is a sigh of irresponsibility because you never know what lies ahead such as accidents which can one incapacitated or sickness and old age. How does one survive

Through insurance, problems like fires which destroy property, enables one some compensation to start anew life

God helps one who is also ready to work and plan, so through hard work then God blesses.

The New Testament teaching on sharing of possessions in relation to the present situation.

In the New Testament teaching on sharing we realize that it is mandatory and a food practice since we are blessed differently.

Sometimes one can acquire a lot of riches, only to leave it after death e.g. the rich fool so it is better to share in order to be a wise rich man.

Alms giving to the poor are often recommended.

This show trust in God's provision and bring sense of brotherhood.

The rich man did not share with Lazarus and went to hell.

While the unfortunate one who kept crying to God went to heaven.

The Bible encourages generosity and a spirit of sharing.

Sharing shows that we are God's children and this brings fellowship.

Riches should be used as a servant for our needs and needs of others, so should not be hoarded.

The Christian is also not the absolute owner of riches but God, he bless one to be a blessing to others.

In the present situation should people share what others don't.

Those who do not share have individualistic tendencies. This is as a, result of being selfish and greedy.

This is caused by the way riches are achieved e.g. malpractices like bribery, corruption etc.

Some people do not want to share because it encourages others to be lazy expecting some to work for them.

They feel it is hurting especially if one has worked hard while others have kept themselves idle expecting to reap from their sweat.

Some riches are got from borrowing, loans which are to be paid for so one has to invest in order to make a difference e.g. Ronald Mayinja's song 'Tuli Kubunkenke."

In some cases few people work so they utilize their sweat by enjoying it.

In case o-ne has earned wealth through gambling such wealth is temporal so it becomes hard to share.

Yet some share with only clique; not all.

Most people prefer to share with those willing to share theirs too, i.e. two way traffic.

To what extend do Christian share today with others.

To greater extent.

Some indirectly bank their money which is used to give loans for economic development e.g. CERUDEB and other micro finance organizations.

Some form groups and put resources together for some projects.

They pay taxes which the state uses to help people by providing social amenities such as schools, hospitals etc.

They pay school fees to dependants and orphans. They donate funds for the spread of God's work.

They pay title and other church dues for the survival of the church and its ministers. Some Christians help the poor directly.

They share their homes with the homeless e.g. during times of political instability, in cases of natural calamities etc.

They put up projects which assist others in community through employment and bringing services nearer to the people.

Many donate towards functions and celebrations like weddings, introduction ceremonies, graduations etc.   

Some give special donations to people with complicated cases such heart attack, kindly operation, cancer if there is need to take them abroad.

Some help to sponsor children for their education.

In war ravaged areas some people donate clothes, food and cash to help people donate clothes, food and case to help people in internally displaced camps.

Some organizations give relief.

Some sponsor people for travels abroad, during political campaigns, setting up projects etc.


However, to smaller extent Christians do not share their wealth:-

Their sharing as noted in sort cases is indirect so it is not the right spirit of sharing.                                                                                                  

This is because some Christians are individualistic and not community minded.                                                                               

Some exploit workers and are selfish.

Some embezzled; take tribes are corrupt which is injustice.                   

They build strong wall fences to avoid interferences.

They employ harsh gatekeepers, fierce dogs to restrain visitors with signposts such as "Umbwa kali."

Some evade taxes, tithe, church does and do not go to church.

Many do not mind helping the orphans, widows, helpless etc.

Some are jealous towards one another and this brings in theft and aggravated robbery (forced sharing).

If there is any sharing it is based on nepotism, tribalism and other sectarian groupings.

"Poor countries are poor because they are poor" discuss.

Poverty is a situation where ones economic stand is below poverty the agreable standard. One cannot afford the basic needs of life. So therefore it means lacking the means to develop themselves economically, achieve basic needs of life and extension to help others.

Poor countries are poor because they cannot meet their basic needs for their population and are unable to develop themselves.

They lack all the means of production and the means to save their situation except to relay on economically rich countries and who in the process are exploited such that even their resources are taken making them even poorer.

Poverty is attributed to hunger, ignorance and disease which is a common phenomenon in poor countries; food shortages, illiteracy and mortality rates are high.

Poor countries carry out agriculture on small scale and even if on big scale prices are determined by developed countries.

Modern scientific techniques are on small scale and by few.

They lack or have few manufacturing industries which cannot compete with others of developed economies.

Skilled man power is lacking and in case some come from developed countries, they do not exhaust their knowledge.

There is lack of stable and far trade with other countries.

There is constant political instability which retards development due to leaders who cling to power which later leads rebel activities.    

Technical skills are lacking so labour force is not used the way it is supposed to.                                                                                                          

They lack proper education policy; what is received is geared towards white collar jobs making them job seekers.

These countries have leaders who are dictators who do not seek advice or need to be corrected. This can termed as either political ignorance or political poverty.

Political administration is characterized by bribery embezzlement.

Leaders are often poor so their term in office his to squander government resources.                                                                                

What makes poor countries poor therefore is not that they completely lack resources but the ability to tap them; utilize them and lack of communal concern to development and this is caused by individualism.

Causes of economic imbalance between the western and third world countries

Geographical factors such as hostilities of climate e.g. Sahara

Where humidity is high affecting the capacity to work.

They are poor because they lack technical skill as compared to others.

Colonization and slave trade which depopulated some third world countries; leave alone economic policy which squandered resources to colonial countries.

Lack of industries and technical skilled labour to affect an industrial revolution.

Brain drains as people look for greener pastures.                                    

Cultural beliefs which are sectarian or discourage people to go beyond their boarder.

Religions affiliation creating religions blocks e.g. where Moslem is majority in the country they have. Negative sentiments towards Christian countries seek for help.                                                                 

Political instability which destroy existing structures and also makes people restless to settle down to do productive work for development.

There is a lot of corruption, embezzlement of any funds / resources which could help raise standards e.g. valley dam in Karamoja by Kazibwe.

Neo - colonial policies by IMF and World Bank, leads to great debt burden and more exploitation.

Most money is put in military hardware and pleasing military men to remain in power.                                                                           

Dependence on agriculture produces which is low paying and prices decided by developed countries.

What role can the church play to reduce this imbalance?                                   

The Church is influential in changing attitude.

Basically by preaching and teaching message of responsibility

Make regular declarations to the public through literature, news paper inclusive.                                                                                                               

Use mass media like TV and radio.

Encourage developed countries to remove trade barriers / imbalance,

Encourage international organizations to loan, grant funds for development without strings attached,                                                 

Encouraged and given scholarship in education. Encourage poor countries to spend more on development.                                                        

Give aid to poor countries.

Encourage economic projects (money generating to uplift standards).                                                                                                   

Encourage investment in poor countries.

Educate masses on skills other than white collar jobs.

Jesus once said ‘it is hard for a rich man to enter heaven...'In light of the above statement what would make rich Ugandan find it hard to enter the kingdom of God?

The expression should seen in its context and therefore apply it to Ugandan situation.                                                                                                     

It would be hard because most of them get riches in wrong ways e.g. through stealing.                                                 

Others continue accumulating wealth without helping others e.g. orphans, poor, widows (unprivileged).

Some just boast over their wealth. Some exploit the poor.

Some are arrogant / proud over their wealth.                                             

Some may forget God and not offer worship.

Other indulge in crafty deals of making money e.g. bicupuli.                    

Some become jealousy and murder.

Some of the rich overwork/ exploit and under pay workers.

Some became rich by evading taxes; get riches through corruption, embezzlement.                                                                                            

Rich people are normally friends to fellow poor.

How best a rich Ugandan use wealth

Helping the poor assisting the disabled. Assisting the disabled.

Responsibility to ones relatives.       .

Make voluntary contribution toward development projects.

Construction of community facilities e.g. clinics, churches.

Insurance against burglary and disasters pay tithe.                                

Building institutions where to educate people.

Organizing crusades, conferences to assist the spread of the gospel. Support church ministers / pastors.

Construction of community facilities like hospitals. Clinics, churches. Pay taxes as obliged to.

Helping the skill e.g. those with diseases which require to go abroad e.g. kidney operation.

Develop one's region through fundraising.                                                

Sponsor children's education that lack assistance.

How Julius Nyerere narrowed the gap between the poor and the rich

Dr. Nyerere was a leader of TANU party and former president of Tanzania who introduced socialism (African) through the UJAAMA system to curb the gap between the rich and the poor.

He managed to socialize people by putting them in settlement.

Where there was ownership of land; as all land belongs to government.

Made all activities communal; food sharing and other utilities were provided such as mass media equipments for each settlement camp for leisure but mainly for education of masses.

Fruits of leisure to be shared by all.                                                         

Education and medical was made free.

Agriculture as a subject was made compulsory for all students. Made Kiswahili a national language.

After form 6 all were made to go for national service such as military training.                                                                                                 

Put a ban on importation of expensive cars, and leisure equipments.

Provided electricity for all settlements (camps) and government meets the bills even those of water.

Private ownership / enterprises were not accepted.                                       

No civil servant to own more than a job.

Members of parliament not to be on any other board/ job.

Control-of foreign currency/ exchange.

Provided simple shelters.

Regional balance of development.

Syllabi in schools made realistic to needs of society or demands of the local people.

Why the government of Uganda failed to narrow this gap

Uganda uses basically capitalistic type of economy where individual initiative rides over community.

Uganda has had frequent changes in government most of which affect policies or plans of previous governments.

Education is expensive so only the rich can afford.

Poor leadership, dictatorship where leaders cling to power in order to continue squandering resources.

Those who are supported are given privileges and squander funds e.g. Brigadier Jim Muhwezi one of the richest army officers and Salim Saleh.

The education is geared toward white collar jobs.

Too much corruption and embezzlement making some people to have access to resources than others.

The expulsion of Asians and British nationals by Amin; people strived to make a living so those who succeeded went ahead of others in income.

There is a lot of nepotism, tribalism where leaders support and raise standards of their people economically and educationally.

Lack of national unity.

A leader like Amin was too ignorant to control the economy.   

Most money is used for military hard share.

Government does not have the political will.

Breakdown of regional cooperation where lessons could be learnt.

Main causes of stealing and embezzlement                                                                                                                          

Embezzlement and stealing are unauthorized way of using public funds for personal benefit, mostly done by top officials who have access to such funds.

The causes are many and include the following:-

Poverty, -Inadequate remunerations, Uncontrolled greed,-Extended family.

Natural calamities,-Lack of follow ups.

Retrenchment is feared so one makes use of ones position before such befalls him.                                                                                             

Exposure to money because of ones position is tempting.

As a Christian what advice do you give to people with such tendencies?

Preach and teach on how sinful it is in the sight of God.                        

Teach masses about correct attitude at places of work.                                               

 Make people realize that they are just custodians.

Trust God to take care of needs (Luke. 12:22-23).                               

Endeavour to use lawful means of subsidizing incomes.                                                           

Trust God for providence.

Be contented with their payments.

If the pay is not enough they should use rightful ways to achieve better pay.                                                                                                            

Should setup other side incomes for survival.

Set up money making projects.

Ensure and Endeavour to use rightful means of subsidizing income.

They should organize cooperation or putting up funds together (pulling) in order to establish better ways of survival.            

"Capitalism is a mode of production based on private ownership initiative, but some people say it has widened the gap between the poor and the rich." discuss.

As already noted above, in the definition, it is a social system where factors of production are owned by a few individuals with the aim of maximizing profits. Truly, capitalism has widened the gap between the poor and the poor as noted below:-

It is aimed at profit maximization at all levels by rich who get from the poor leaving the poor with nothing to survive on.

It makes employers exploit their employees by making a lot of profits.                                                                                                

Accumulation of a lot of wealth at the expense of the poor.

Employers pay little wages to the poor after overworking them.

Taxation benefits the rich e.g. VAT which later is transferred to the poor customers.                                                                                            

The spirit of sharing dies out and the under privileged are left out.

Hire prices of manufactured goods affect the poor who are the customers.

Farmers are exploited by busyness / capitalists who buy goods cheaply and sell highly. There is no opportunity for the poor to become rich, even the type of democracy of democracy is to maintain a few in powers and a poor person can never dream about ever ruling.

It promotes individualism; everyone for himself and God for all.

Very inefficient in providing basic needs and services like education, health which increases unemployment and illiteracy.

Cheap importation of raw materials and exportation of expensive manufactured goods. Foreign aid with high interest rates is given to poor countries.

It breeds viscous circle of poverty.

It promotes unfair competition between the rich and the poor.

It provides quality education for the rich leading to better employment while the poor go for UPE.

It encourages corruption which affects the poor leading to greed, fraud and treachery.                                                                                                

 It increases on the cost of living, causing the poor to sell out their resources e.g. land so as to survive.

Government policies favour the rich than the poor e.g. privatization, liberalization.

However, to a small extent capitalism develops in a strong middle class who increase production and consumption.

The employment, if it can afford to pay a living wage there will be honest work and therefore raising the status of the poor.

Resources are distributed according to needs of society. The social problem of wants is solved.

There is price control/regulation through forces of demand.                          

It checks on laziness.

It increases enthusiasm and motivation to work; actually those who work harder raise their status e.g. Wavamuno is said to have had a simple beginning but is now one of the few rich Ugandans.

Even in socialist countries their systems are failing e.g. Russia fell due to communism and is slowly copying up with capitalist ideas.

(b) To what extent should capitalism be encouraged?

No capitalism should be discouraged to a bigger extent because:¬     

The rich become richer through exploitation.

It violates justice and leads to envy and hatred.

The rich live in luxury and the poor in misery e.g. rich men and Lazarus.

It encourages individualism yet Christianity encourages sharing e.g. the rich young man (Luke 18:21-3).

The rich alone get the advantages of social services while the poor cannot afford. It leads to discrimination and prejudice which James preaches against.

James warns of snares of riches/ wealth especially when it is earned through exploitation.

Man is dehumanized because he is rated byhis efficiency and consumption yet it is hard to get basics.

There is constant threat of unemployment.

It tempts people to concentrate on the accumulation of wealth, causing them to forget God (rich fool).

It may prevent people from entering the kingdom of God e.g. the rich man and Lazarus. It results in selfish tendencies (Ph 2:4).

It undermines worship of God and no equality is realized. The poor perform or do hard labour and are paid little.

However, capitalism can be encouraged to a smaller extent due to the following:¬It raises the living standards of the people.

It discourages laziness as Paul encouraged hard work (27 Thes 3: 1 0).

It leads to efficiency in production, lowers prices and increase consumption. It leads to social freedoms/ independence.

It brings about the general rise of income among the rich and poor who are hard working.

The rich and the poor who are hardworking.

The rich and the poor live harmoniously because of sharing (Dt 2:44-5).

A government gets access to taxes hence improvement which is beneficial to society. The product of capitalism benefits the whole society.

It encourages maximum utilization of resources God told man to subdue the whole society.

The employer can pay workers a living wage and the worker does honest work. It encourages full utilization of talents (Mt 25: 14-30).

Why people pay tax

 Tax is a contribution levied on persons in form of graduated tax, tax paid annually or being on property one has or any transaction in busyness.

It can be direct (PAYE) or through busyness or on property that one has.

People pay tax in order in order to help government run smoothly for development. This helps to maintain roads, hospitals, educational institutions (social services).


To regulated income distribution of citizens.

Enable government to pay salaries.

Help government to appreciate services rendered by the people. For government to maintain law and order.

For government educate future citizens e.g. UPE, UPPET.

In order the government to defend her people from any aggression.

Why do some people not pay tax?

Government policy e.g. graduated tax was scrapped off from the common man. Some people are too poor and tackle the means to do so.


Unrealistic taxation system so some evade through smuggling.

To sabotage government policies often done by the opposition. People are ignorant about its use and therefore need to be educated. Decline in morals (deliberate).

Corruption; if people realize their money is being misused.

Embezzled whereby there is nothing to show how money has been used.

In order to avoid high taxation, government institutions and private business owners prepare false income return. What is the Christian attitude to the above?

As a Christian it is wrong.

It is a Christian duty for one to pay tax (Rom 13:6-7).

As a good citizen it is never justified for one to withhold taxes.

The Ten Commandments forbids stealing and in avoiding taxation is stealing government (Ex 20).

Taxation was used as a means of taking care of the future and welfare of the people when famine attacked Egyptians (Gen 41 :25-42) which saved the family of Jacob through Joseph from punishing.

Tribute was exacted from subdued tribes of Canaan by kings of Israel (1 Sam 8,1 Chr 27:25-31 ).

The citizens have a duty to provide the money through taxation and this contributes to the good of the community.

The state has a duty to provide basic social service like education, health, roads. Jesus associated with tax collectors likeness.

Taxes were paid for upkeep of the state and the temple. Solomon taxed his people/ subjects he conquered and collecting tolls from travel less and trades (1 Kg 4:7) which made his kingdom prosperous.

Temple tax was paid by Jews for upkeep of priests.

Taxation which is collected according to ones income and ability and not misused in acceptable (2 Kg 23:35; 1 Kg 12).

Jews were expected to pay tithe for upkeep of temple staff.

They were expected to pay taxes to their imperial rules in obedience to the law of the state (Mt. 22:7, Lk 20:20 f).

Jesus acknowledged and paid tax / tribute to the imperial rulers of Palestine (Mt 17:24). It was expected of all men of over 20 years of age to pay tax (Ex 30: 1-16).

After the fall of Jerusalem every Jew had to pay Yz shekel to the temple.

In the New Testament the famous census enrolment in which Jesus was born was for purposes of taxation (Lk 2: 1-7).

It is an ethical responsibility for every Christian to pay taxes to the state of which he is a citizen (Rom 13: 1-7).

Taxes help government meet international obligations. To regulate income distributions.

For government to appreciate services rendered by people.

To educate future citizen e.g. through UPE. To defend its people against aggression.

However, withholding tax payment is necessary because of the following:-

The unrealistic taxation system e.g. in Uganda many busyness have failed due to un realistic may taxation by URA.

Too much corruption and embezzlement among the tax collectors, the revenue authority. They need their institutions to run smoothly.

Sometimes government lacks proper plan for the money and is always squandered by a few people.

Most of the money is embezzled and there is nothing to show.

There is unfairness in taxation whereby some are overtaxed and others under taxed. If an institution is over taxed it can lead it to bankruptcy.