Discussion and Research

IDevice Icon Activity


l.     Describe the three main ways in which the Good News was transmitted and made evident to others in the earliest days of the Church

2.    How would you answer someone who asked you why the gospels were not written by the disciples immediately after the death of Jesus?    

3.    Explain why Christians maintain that (i) the Resurrection of Jesus really happened, and (ii) the Resurrection is of supreme import

4.    Explain the importance of Paul in the early Church.

5.    (a) Discuss the importance of baptism in the early Church.

(b) Describe baptismal procedures in a modern Church.

6.    (a) Explain the significance of the 'breaking of bread' (the fellow meal) in the early Church.

(b) Outline what takes place in Holy Communion (the Mass, the Lord's Supper) in a modern Church,

7.    Suggest how a modern Christian might present the Good New one of the following: (i) a traditionalist, (ii) a Muslim, (iii) an atheist

8.    Describe one modern example of a persecuted Church which has been purified and strengthened by its experience.

9.    Discuss the following comment: 'African Christians should reject all Western customs such as building stone churches and singing English hymns.'

10.  Discuss the following statement: 'Christians ought to fight against racist regimes,'

11.  What should be the attitude of a Christian towards the practice magic which is intended to bring profit or benefit to a person?

12.  Discuss aspects of modern African society which (i) help, and hinder, the spread of the Christian faith.