The Christian hope

For Peter, life in this world is lived in the great hope, the 'living hope' of heavenly blessings to come (I :3-5). The end of the present age is near and when it ends there will be the glorious 'Day when Jesus Christ is revealed' (1:7,13, 4: 13). On that Day, the people of God will receive praise, glory and honour; they will be given the glorious crown which will never lose it brightness (5:4) and will be called to share eternal glory with God, in union with Christ (5: I 0). Peter does not attempt the impossible by trying to describe the rich blessings of heaven (1 :4) and the life of glory with God. What Peter says about the Christian hope is very similar to what Paul says, in passages such as I Corinthians 15. For both apostles, this great hope with the driving motive for faithful, steadfast daily living in this world, is that the believer might be always prepared for the return of Jesus Christ in glory.
