Research and discussion

IDevice Icon Activity

1. Compare conditions in Corinth in the time of Paul with condition in any modern city you know, and comment on whether you think it is more difficult to be a Christian in that city today than it was for the Corinthians.

2. What do you think about the fact that there are very many different Churches (denominations) today? Does the teaching of Paul first four chapters of the letter say anything to the modern situation?

3. Explain what this means to a modern Christian: 'I could say am allowed to do anything, but I am not going to let anything me its slave.'

4. Explain why Paul told the Corinthians that he could not talk to as people who have the Spirit. What warnings are there to a m Church in the situation about which Paul was writing?

5. Comment on this imaginary situation in a modem Church with reference to teaching from 1 Corinthians:

A church pastor borrowed Shs. 9,000 from the Church b fund, without permission, to pay off the price of a piece of which he was buying for himself. He intended to pay it back he had harvested the crops from his land in the following year before he could do this, the Church authorities found out w had done and suspended him from his work. The pastor too matter of his suspension to a law court and the judge ruled the Church authorities must reinstate him because he had com no crime against the law.

6. Summarize Paul's understanding of the task and responsibility apostle. Does this have any application to the task of the Church today?

7. Outline a Christian understanding of sex, beginning from the following passages: Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 2:18-25, Mark 10:1-12.

8. What do you know about Church discipline in any specific Church? Is it carried out effectively?

9. Many young Christians today, who want to be married in Church are puzzled about acceptable behaviour during the period of courtship. What advice might a married Christian give them?