5:30-47. Witnesses to the Son


This section of the discourse concerns witnesses to Jesus the divine Son, after the statement of 5 :30 that Jesus does only what God wants him to do:

 (i) The Father himself witnesses (5:31-32 and 5 :37-38)

(ii) The deeds (works) which Jesus does in obedience to his Father's will are his witness (5:36)

(iii) The Word of God in the Scriptures (5:39--40)

(iv)        John the Baptist who was a lamp but not the light (5:31-35)

(v) Moses witnessed to the coming of Jesus in such passages of the Torah as Deuteronomy 18:15 and Numbers 21:9 (5:45--47).


The Jewish religious leaders did not love God but expected human praise (5:42-44) and so they could not believe what Jesus said. They did not believe the Scriptures which bore witness to him (5:45-47).

