Just like in traditional Africa, man has continued to experience changes in life. The changes are even taking place at a much faster rate and with far reaching effects.

Changes in Uganda today

Since independence, Uganda has undergone and is still going through a lot of transformation, with some having positive and negative outcomes. These changes are political, social, economic, religious and cultural immature.

Positive Changes

1.          There has been urbanization. Many towns or districts are being created. For example Bududa District originally part of Mbale District and Oyam District created from Lira District.

2.          There are new religious sects like Happy Science. This is helping to cater for the religious needs of the people.

3.          The education system has undergone some great changes. More government headed and private schools and institutions have been built. Universal Primary and Secondary Education is now in place.

4.          Improved telecommunication network. Service providers like MTN, Uganda Telecom and Airtel have eased communication

5.          More foreign nationals are coming to Uganda. People with different citizenship have had the chance to settle in Uganda with some on a perm anent basis.

6.          There has been change in currencies. New notes or denominations like 2,000 and 50,000 shillings keep on being introduced.

7.          Many political parties have come up. For example, the Conservative party (C.P) and Forum for Democratic Change (F.D.C) among others.

8.          More radio stations have also been established. At independence, Uganda had only Radio Uganda, but now stations such as Capital F.M, Radio one; Sanyu F.M, KFM and Radio Simba among others have been put in place.

9.          There is a rapid rural-urban migration. More and more people are leaving rural areas in preference to urban life.

10.   There is privatization. The government recognizes individual effort in the development of the country through setting up businesses.

11.   Uganda is increasingly becoming industrialized. More companies have come up in producing goods for sale. For example, Mukwano Industries and Vita Foam Industries among others.

12.   There are many non-governmental organizations. For example, Invisible Children, Save the Children and Oxfam International among the others. All these development partners are helping in the creation of jobs among others.

13.   There has been improvement on the infrastructures. For example, roads are being constructed and rehabilitated.

14.   Uganda has experienced many constitutional changes like the abolition of term limits in 2005.

15.   There is improved technology in the country. Machines are highly being used. In 2011, The Faculty of Technology, Makerere University made the first car named Kiira.

16.   Improved security. Armed forces like the police and the soldiers are highly trained and equipped.


Negative Changes

1.         Accidents are common on the high ways and at different work places. Therefore, many people are losing their lives. This is attributed to the increasing number of vehicles and the use of machines among others.

2.         The cost of living has gone so high. Prices of food items and fuel among others are so high thus leaving many people in a state of misery. This has encouraged criminal activities like theft and murder among others.

3.         Corruption is also very common today. Some public servants are using their offices to satisfy their own ambitions instead of serving the public. For example, public funds have on a number of occasions been reported to go "missing".

4.         African cultures have continuously been declining in preference of western cultures. There is a tendency of people looking at African cultures as being out dated and therefore not in line with the modern world. See the nature of greeting below:

5.         There is an increasing level of unemployment. Despite the qualification people have, the jobs are not available. This has made people redundant.

6.         Permissiveness has also increased. People have a tendency of behaving in the ways they like without considering the impacts it has on others. This has led to increased misbehavior among people.

7.         Taxes have increased in Uganda. Such taxes like Pay as You Earn and VAT have left the workers with little disposable income.

8.         Uganda has been experiencing new health hazards. For example, the outbreak of nodding disease in the districts of Kitgum and Pader. Many people are losing their lives because of such health hazards.

9.         Riots are common in the country. The public tends to express their disappointment in violent ways. Property is destroyed as a result of this. Besides, many people are always injured leading to death in the process.

10.    Children's rights are being abused. Cases of kidnapping, defilement and child sacrifice among others are common today. This tends to create the feeling of insecurity among many families.

11.    There are also cases of domestic violence in some families. This is being caused by many factors like marital unfaithfulness, indiscipline, barrenness and cruelty among others.

12.    Cases of terrorism are on the increase. In 2010, the country woke up to the cruel reality that many people had lost their lives as they were watching screened FIFA World Finals between Spain and Netherlands in Lugogo.

13.    There are also cases of mob justice. The people tend take the law in their hands to punish suspected criminals. This is attributed to the loss of trust in the judicial system and the rampant cases of criminal activities among others.

14.    Immorality in Uganda has also increased. Cases of theft, fighting, defilement, abortion, prostitution and alcoholism among others are very common. This kind of behavior is contrary to the established laws governing the land.

15.    There is an increasing level of income inequality among Ugandans. Some people are earning much more money than others.

16.    Justice in Uganda today has been commercialized. People are nowadays expected to pay some money in the form of hiring lawyers before having a hearing in the court of law.



idevice icon Revision Question


1.   Explain the changes taking place in your community

2.   How has Uganda changed today?

3.   What are the effects of the changes in your community?

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A complete talking Book for Uganda certificate of Education